Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Dad to Ride Bike to Harrisburg to See the Governor

A press release from our friend Peter, who is going for a ride...

“The Corbett administration's actions for the gas industry are out of

Pine Grove Mills, PA.  On Wednesday, March 9,  Peter Buckland will
ride his bike 110 miles from his home in Pine Grove Mills [Centre
County] to Harrisburg to arrange a meeting with the Governor.

Date: Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Departure:  from Pine Grove Mills [Centre County]

Destination: the Governor’s office, Harrisburg

Arrival time:  Approximately 1:00 p.m.

Who:  Peter Buckland – [peter.evolves@gmail.com]

Peter is a PhD candidate in the PSU College of Education and the
father of a 3 year old son.  He  plans to arrive in Harrisburg by
about 1 p.m., in time to participate in a protest being organized by
Penn Environment, that will be held at the Capitol Forum.

Immediately afterward he will go to the Governor’s office to
personally deliver his written request for a  meeting.  Peter says,
“I will do this in person, with some insistence, instead of through
the faceless email system or fax system. My point is to put another
real face to this. Unlike the gas industry, we don't have hundreds of
thousands of dollars to buy access to the governor but he HAS to talk
with us, he is OUR governor."

Up to this point Buckland has attended a few environmental protests,
but is now compelled to activism on a higher level, saying “The
Corbett administration's actions for the gas industry are out of
control. Yanking the  DCNR's ability to assess potential impacts on
state land and gutting the  DEP's ability to monitor air quality from
drilling sites pushed me to this point.. For me this is very personal
because I spend hundreds of hours in Rothrock, Bald Eagle, Moshannon,
Sproul, and Tioga on my mountain bike, on hikes and camping.”

Buckland believes that the governor needs to reinstate the former
DCNR policy that would limit new drilling and that he must impose a
severance tax on the natural gas industry.

He  adds, “It is also about the quality of our water and air and my
hopes and fears as a father. As a citizen of this commonwealth, the
commonwealth's government should help me and my fellow common people
to reach the common good.  I will ride even if it rains or snows.”

Buckland invites those at the rally to join him afterward as he
delivers his meeting request to the Governor.  Other concerned
citizens from around around the state have already agreed to join
him. He encourages others to submit their own meeting requests on

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