Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Illegal Roadside Frack Dumping


  1. Nate, thanks for posting this video. I pass this site regularly -- this is not too far from where I work -- and I am SHOCKED. Right in broad daylight, in full view of everyone. I hope against hope it wasn't what it appeared to be. But it probably was.

  2. Wow, I live about a half hour away from there. If these kinds of things happen in broad daylight, i can only imagine what happens when nobody is around. That is very scary!
    A well was recently dug about a mile and a half away from where i live and they have mentioned possibly using it for an injection well to dispose of the brine and "produced water"- as a matter of fact, it's right over the hill from where the local school is!!! UNBELIEVABLE~
